Saturday, January 7, 2012

Leanna trying to look good

 Girl please do everyone a favor and put some fucking clothes on. Everyone is tired of seeing your fake tits and that anorexic body of yours. I mean seriously instead of paying for them fake tits you should of paid to get some FAT injected in you. I will give you a tad of credit, you do have a pretty decent ass. Next time you want to show that ass off wear a fucking thong. Stop trying to shove your bikini in your ass crack.

 Trust me when I say this, if I had a face that fucking ugly I would try to cover it up also Leann so I do understand. I wouldn't let anyone take a picture of my face. Than again you need to stay in the public eye and limelight somehow. I suppose one thing is for sure: your very thankful for that voice of yours that you have.

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