Sunday, September 18, 2011

Pic Of The Day

I went to a festival over the weekend and they had a reptile exhibit. I am a huge reptile fan. I have 2 Salcata Tortoises myself and love them. I have to admit though I saw this Alligator Snapper there and I want one so bad. I researched about them and not only do they get 200 lbs but they are mean as fuck. I love it.
 I have had many reptiles but never nothing like this. Just look at this awesome creature.


  1. do not think I will be getting one soon. I will stick w the normal dog as a watch dog for security. But it would be fun to see peoples reactions when walking into your house seeing this as a guard turtle.

  2. lol at seeing this in your house. the live in water youd have to have a very big pond
