Sunday, September 18, 2011

Joke of the Day

A captain in the foreign legion is transferred to a desert outpost where he notices an old, seedy looking camel at the back of the barracks.

He asks his sergeant what it is for.

"Well, sir, we're a fair distance from anywhere and the men have natural sexual urges. When they do, they use the camel."

"Gosh," says the captain, "Well if it's good for morale, it's fine by me."

The captain soon becomes frustrated himself and finally tells the sergeant to bring him the camel.

The sergeant shrugs his shoulders and brings the camel to the captain's quarters.

The captain gets a foot stool and begins to have vigorous sex with the camel. As he steps down, satisfied, he asks the sergeant, "Is that how the enlisted men do it?"

The sergeant replies, "Well no, sir,..... usually they just ride the camel into town and visit the whore house!"

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