Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Biggest Betrayals of All Time

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie vs. Jennifer Aniston
Married only 5 years Brad and Jennifer were America's ideal couple... people watched them... cheered them on... always raved about how "nice" the pair were to their fans... it was a match made in heaven... until evil entered their lives... if you ask me... the stupidest thing Brad ever did was leave Jen for that fat lipped cow Jolie *pukes*

Sandra Bullock vs. Jesse James and Michelle "Bombshell" McGee
Are all men just fucking idiots or what?
Ok so Michelle is sexy as fuck... but come on Jesse... you can only dream of ever having a woman like Sandra... and you go and fucking blow it.. how much of a fucking loser do you really need to be?
And then try and trash her name afterwards to add salt to the wound?
One thing is for sure... no one can ever accuse you of not doing whatever you have to in order to get fame and fortune ya pig!

Eva Longoria vs. Tony Parker
Eva discovered hundreds of personal texts between Parker and mutual pal Erin Barry
Well... nothing like wanting to keep your cake and eat it too huh?

Heather Locklear and Richie Sambora divorce after 11 years of marriage.
The rumors were that Richie was cheating on Heather with Denise Richards... which is more than likely true since Richie did start dating Denise before the divorce was even finalize... of course he denies these allegations... but fuck come on Richie do you think we are all fucking idiots here? You were married to Heather for 11 fucking years man... you have a child with her... you got over her that fucking quick?
Pick a brain you loser!

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