Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Tom Cruise

Named a "mega star"... I think he's a washed up hasbeen myself...

He has nothing to offer anymore... scientology took over whatever "normalcy" he may have ever had.
A cult set up for the egotistical. Take a look at it's members, it's a fucking joke. The whole thing is a sham and would be nothing if not for the celebrity's money. I can't believe that many people have been "had" by some failed sci-fi writer (L. Ron Hubbard)... they are all a bunch of losers... granted they are rich losers.
I know they don't care what people think of them. But they should, in most people's eyes they are considered a joke. The only people that don't see it that way are the people who are bamboozled by the lies that scientology projects.

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