Sunday, September 18, 2011

Birthday Bash

 A birthday bash in Vegas for you Heidi? Ha,Ha, who did you invite a bunch of nobodies like yourself? You are one FUGLY lady and just really need to go away. Your sad attempt to look like the next, "BLOND BOMBSHELL" was not even close.

 Just look at that nasty mug of yours. Fucking disgusting if you ask me and glad your off T.V., What is in those boxes your opening more plastic surgery? As if you haven't had enough already. Did you really think your so called "balloons" would get you somewhere? Than again them big fake tits are the only thing that is good about you.

1 comment:

  1. Love the look on her face as she is opening the boxes and its like damn I picked this out for me again She is so sad and pathetic indeed
