Monday, September 26, 2011

Cracked Out

 Sophie I know for a FACT I have seen you look a lot prettier than this. Getting out of that car you look like a cracked out image of Fergie.  We all know your hotter than Fergie, next time you go out leave the drugs at home.Hey Sophie do you even have anything on under that dress? Come on bend over let us see for ourselves.
 You sure do have some fucking sexy legs. Bet them thighs wrapped around my waist would look very nice. Maybe we should do a photo shoot of that someday. Just give me a little notice so that I can be prepared. Need to jack off some first so I can last a little longer. You seem like more than the average, "5 min type". You didn't loose anything trust me its ok, your high will soon go away and you will be back to normal. Remember just say NO to crack girl.

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