Monday, July 7, 2014

Ronda Whooped Ass At UFC 175

 First off just let me say this: I have nothing at all against equality and the fact that a lady should be able to do anything that a man should be able to do. I also don't have a problem with ladies making as much as men (although sadly for the most part that just doesn't happen). If your into the UFC and happened to watch UFC 175 on Saturday night than you saw some pretty good fight right? Well one half of the main event wasn't even much of a fight. The beautiful (and I say that partly because its true but also because I don't want my ass kicked) Ronda Rousey made very quick work of her opponent. She beat the crap out of Alexis Davis in 16 seconds. Now remember Alexis is/was ranked number 2 so she isn't a slouch. I am sorry but no lady in this world should be able to knock the crap out of someone that damn fast, the majority of men in this world couldn't even do that. After the fight I kind of laughed when Ronda said that because she was hit she didn't do good enough and still needs to train harder and work harder. The girl barely got hit, I highly doubt it even phased her, I bet she got spanked by her parents harder than that while growing up. Look people this young lady is only 27 years old and she is for REAL. She will kick the crap out of you in a heartbeat and not even blink and eye. I know you will never ever EVER see cross-fighting but id sure love to see Ronda box and kick the living crap out of Mayweather. In reality Ronda is a lady that you don't want to fuck up on if you ever get a chance to date her or be with her, trust me the end result will NOT be pretty.

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