Thursday, June 16, 2011


Are you kidding me? Hey Vancouver is it really that bad? I mean sure your team choked in the end but there is always next year. Were the riots that necessary? Wow just look at this picture, you should see the rest of them.

 This guy in the front with the jersey on, his face says it all. What a schmuck. Take defeat like men you Canadian sissies; it’s only a sport. You all must feel real good right about now thrashing a city because your sorry ass team lost. We didn’t riot over here in the U.S. when you beat San Jose.

 Over a hundred hurt and over a million dollars in damage! What a bunch of pathetic fans Vancouver has.


  1. I agree with you " TazMan" It sure does seem like some have to riot after winning a sporting event. Why can't you just celebrate like normal people and have a party with no destruction involved.

  2. I keep hearing the same thing, the ones involved in the rioting are not TRUE fans. They are simply TROUBLE MAKERS just looking for an excuse. And you're right... PATHETIC

  3. Great song choice ;-)
