Monday, August 26, 2013

Miley At The VMA's

The flack for her performance last night has been "off the hook". I think Miley accomplished exactly what she wanted to and at the same time knew the controversy it would stir up. People have NOT stopped talking about her performance since it happened, its like the rest of the award show just didn't happen. For the record, I thought her performance was crappy and that whole "twerking" thing when she doesn't even have an ass needs to stop, but hey if it works for her than more power to her right? This young lady is going to laugh herself right to the bank with this one. People and critics and blog sites can say whatever they want be it bad or good and its really not going to matter. The one thing I just can't figure out is why in the hell does she continue to stick her tongue out, and I mean in just about every damn picture taken in the last year. Not exactly sure what she is trying to accomplish there.

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