Saturday, February 4, 2012

Rich people can't dress

 What in the fuck are these people thinking dressing the way they do. Bieber as rich as you are and this is the BEST you can do? Trying to look the Fonz or what? At the very least man loose the tie.
 Hey Jennifer I see you left the house wearing your grandma's pants again. Guess no one told you they are like 3 inches to short on you. And that fugly scarf you are wearing, can you even breathe?
 That would bring us to Rihanna, girl are you out of your fucking mind? You look ridiculous as a blond. And where did ya get the outfit at Goodwill? Come on girl with all the money you have at lease buy yourself a "new" pair of shorts. If no one else has the balls to say it I will. Rihanna you look like a project street hooker.

Last but not least we have Nick. Dude what in the fuck happened to you? Man I still remember you back when 48 hours came out. Why oh why did you fuck yourself up so bad? Couldn't you think of anything at all better to do with your money? Shit you could of gave some of it to some homeless people and helped them out. What the fuck are you dressed for anyways? A long trench coat in public and on the red carpet? Please do not open that we don't want to see whats under.
One thing all these people have in common. None of them know how to dress and its fucking sad. All the people they have around them all day and all the money and still can't dress worth a damn.

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