Saturday, January 5, 2013

Walking Down Memory Lane

Yep, its that time again! Lets take a walk down #MemoryLane

One of my worst memories of playing baseball. Was going to be my last year of being in the minors, and we had to play a game breaker. We win we go to playoffs, we lose we go home and sulk. The day before we were suppose to play this game a lot of us (on both teams) went swimming at a public pool we live by.  The other team I suppose felt the need to cheat, or that it would be fun to cheat, whatever the case. A couple guys from the other team gave 85% of my team bubble gum that day at the pool. We soon learned it wasn't gum and just what their intentions were.

We played the game the next day and as the innings went on we lost more guys. See within the first 3 innings we had lost half of our players. I played left field at the time and during the 4th inning had to be called in to pitch. I was OK as I threw the warm-ups but once the batter got up to the plate and I had to throw the first pitch it started. You see the gum that we ate the day before was NOT gum it was exlax, which none of us knew at the time. I am sure you can picture what happened to my team during the game. Embarassing? OMG to say the least. Dirty trick, Of course. Did it win them the game? Yes it sure did, we could not prove they did it so the refs would NOT let us replay the game the next day. We had to forfeit because we didn't have enough players to finish the game. Most (including me) were sitting on the bench after having shit our pants, or throwing up or all the above.

Ya look back now its funny as hell that kids would think of doing something like that. What brought this story back to my mind? I took my nephew to that same pool this last summer and ran into my old baseball coach. After we shook hands and said hello it was the first memory he brought up of knowing me.

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