Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year Folks

 And so we countdown the hours tell we ring in yet another new year. Hopefully 2013 will be brighter, better, and more full filling than the last year. This will be the last post of 2012 and I can't think of a better way to close the year out other than to say THANK YOU !!!!
 This site isn't as large as I would like it nor do I get a million people a day, but I do get some folks that enjoy which in return keeps me blogging. 2013 for me will bring a few changes for me and well also for the people that view this site. I will be opening a new site after the first of the year that will be 1000 times better than this one. Information will come soon and I hope you will continue to follow.
 We saw a ton of news this year (good and bad), and to top it off the world just learned that Kim K. is pregnant with Kanyes Baby. So many hot ladies out there, to many to name and so many more to come. Lindsay up to her games as usual, and now that faggot Kat Williams is going on. Tons of news, mishaps, interesting stories to come in 2013. I can't even imagine how #Kimye is going to be treated, used and promoted. Guess the world will see.
 To everyone please be SAFE tonight. Don't drink and drive. So many people offering free rides, use them. The consequences of drinking and driving is just NOT worth it. Have an awesome New Years Eve. See ya on the FLIP SIDE

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