Monday, October 10, 2011

Fucking disgusting

 I am a HUGE Madonna fan but these pictures of her are disgusting. Come on she looks like Courtney Love on crack here. I know she is 50+ but damn girl don't get so fucked up next time. I remember the days of having pictures of you all over my walls and jacking off many of nights thinking about you. Who ever leaked these pictures should feel really bad. You just made the whole internet world sick.

 What the fuck are you holding? Is that a used condom or your other set of panties? Yeah you are way to far gone in these pictures. Here is a thought, try going "sober" to your next photo shoot. I guess one good thing could be said here. At least she is wearing a thong and learned to trim or shave. Unlike her days in penthouse when she had hair halfway down her legs. I think I need to go "puke" now. Enjoy your Monday.

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