Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Pick Of The Day

Yes this video is kind of long but its the SHIT still to this day. Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air was fucking hilarious, I still watch the re-runs. Carlton made that whole show.
His dancing back at that time was so stupid you couldn't help but laugh. Will was awesome also. The two of them just made that show fucking hilarious.
The seriousness of all of this is the fact that Carlton really could and can dance. He use to break and pop, did a few moves on the show called "Silver Spoons". He is also the one that taught M.J. the moonwalk. He is a bad ass dancer. Not sure why he didn't pick dancing for a career.
Anyways watch and enjoy

1 comment:

  1. I loved that show... and you're right... the two of them made that show LOL
    This was fucking great... I remember seeing many of those episodes... and you're right about him being able to fucking dance too hehehe great post :-)
