Monday, July 25, 2011


Look at that sour puss face. Mr. Tiger whats wrong? Is it the fact that since your wife and the world found out you cheated on her that you can't get your life back together, or is it the fact that you are finally realizing that you suck at golf now?
Tiger you should understand something you are a MEGA star and were married, you can't go around fucking every piece of pussy you see like a normal person such as myself. One day everyone was bound to find out, they don't give a fuck about a "simple" man like me. 
Do you need a fucking tissue, or maybe a whole case? Admit ya fucked up and move on, your loosing tons of money everyday and making stupid mistakes. Why in the fuck did you fire your caddy? Maybe because he was an actual friend and knew to much? Your one sorry excuse of a human being. I guess your ex thought so also because she sure moved on fast. 
Now look at you, loosing not only money daily but also your star power. Saw today you dropped out of the top 20, 5 years ago being out of the top 2 was unheard of for you. And to think your lying to your fans daily telling them you are injured and this and that to drop out of tournaments. You know the simple fact is since your ex found out not has your life went downhill but so has your game. Oh and the fact that your NOT man enough to go out on the course because your afraid of what people might say and how you will be ridiculed.

1 comment:

  1. The basset hound I used to own looked happier than he does LOL
