Friday, July 29, 2011

Lady Gaga

Yes I know no one even has to say it, I am talking about Lady Gaga yet again. Well this time I have a tad bit of reasoning behind it. Just look at this picture. Lady Gaga actually has tits. No they are not the biggest but still she has tits/ And just look that bikini bottom she is wearing and the shear dress over it. Seems kind of odd to see her showing so much, "skin".
Maybe all of the rumors and or talk is getting to her and she wants to finally prove she is a lady. Well Gaga anyone can have tits, take your pants off and show us what you really have.

Ok so not the most sexiest lady in the world but again see she has tits. And in this outfit seems they are about to fall out. Now she needs to do something about all those nasty ass wigs that she wears.

1 comment:

  1. Minnie Mouse called she wants her outfit back
