Saturday, December 28, 2013

Kourtney Is Pissed

Folks don't get to excited here but it looks like there is trouble brewing for another Kardashian and she isn't even married yet.You can clearly see just in these pictures alone there is something going on I mean Scott looks like a god damn zombie and Kourtney seems like she has had enough. Seems that Mr. Scott has been hitting the bottle again really heavy this time and Kourtney wants it stopped STAT.
" And while Kourtney is used to Scott's partying and volatility, his behavior at the Montage on Dec. 6 will be a devastating surprise. An eyewitness tells In Touch that Scott was spotted getting cozy with a sexy brunette.
"The woman was in her 20s and exotic-looking," recalls patron Thomas Johnson, who spotted the pair in the lobby. "She was pulling a small suitcase on wheels and Scott put both his arms around the small of her back, kissed her on the cheek and whispered into her ear. When Scott pulled back, he kept his hand on her hips and leaned back, as if to check her out."
Johnson tells In Touch, "The way he touched her and the way they looked at each other suggested they were a lot more than friends. A man with a long-term partner and two children should never behave like that with another woman."
Kourtney girl when you going to learn the dude is a loser, you can do so much better. Honestly I don't know one man that takes an hour shower and than 5 hours to get ready after that. You sure he isn't hiding other secrets from you also?

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