Saturday, July 23, 2011

What The Fuck?

Lady Gaga what the fuck are you doing? I use to enjoy the different outfits you would wear but what in the blue hell is this? This lady sure comes up with some outlandish shit.
Gaga you look like a cross between a warped blow up doll - an ugly ass Frankenstein. You would scare the shit out of kids dressed like this and they are your biggest fans. Talk about a fucking monster. The mask is bad enough but that outfit is seriously ridiculous. All the PVC clothes and the plastic shit As a blow up doll at least those red lips look like they would be good for sucking.
Truly this is a lady that Marilyn Manson would sex up in a heart beat. Not sure who is worse Marilyn Manson or Lady Gaga. Truly a horrendous picture


  1. Perfect heading What the fuck was she thinking? Maybe she owns stock in Saran Wrap and wanted a big buy off.... She continues to top herself with her outrageous outfit and we continue to talk about her her weird outrageous outfits are keeping her in the limelight

  2. Yes you are correct we keep talking and she keeps raking in the dough.
    This outfit though has to be one of her most outrageous yet

  3. You are so correct on the outfit I'm kind of curious now to see how in the hell is she going to top it.......Scary thought, but I will look just to find out just like everyone else

  4. yeah and she just keeps going and going
