Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Wonder how many people I'll piss off with this?

So come on, most everyone knows of "Twilight" and "Edward Cullen"


I can't believe how many married women, women old enough to be his mother are all lust lost with this baffoon.

I know someone (a 32 year old mother of 2) who recently changed her last name to "Cullen". Seriously? How old are you?
You should hear her talk. I swear to god she creams her jeans as she's talking about this idiot.

This is taking "being a fan" to a whole new level.

I heard an interview with Robert Pattinson once. He's disgusted with it actually. He can't go anywhere without these middle aged women (or older in some cases) throwing their panties at him. Ok that COULD be hot as fuck, but really? Who wants grandma's used panties thrown in their face, come on now!



  1. He is not all that hot... Yes he has some very sexy eyes but that is all he has going for him

  2. They are contacts!
    And he's just a boy compared to some of these women... people need to keep their fucking hormones in check geezus!

  3. I agree w Sugar his eyes are sexy who cares if they are contacts. I am a eye kind of a person and I love looking in a person's eyes. Maybe the older women are looking at him as someone they can train lol You know if you want something done right train em right
