Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving

Yes today is a day of thanks and well also a day to be with family and enjoy an awesome meal. As this year strolls along and almost comes to an end there are so many things I am thankful for. If you follow me on Twitter than you have read them each day, and I thank you for that. The one thing I am thankful for the most is the people like YOU that come and check out my site everyday. I may not be on the level of a Perez or a TMZ but I do try my best to make others smile. 
 Have an awesome Thanksgiving with your loved ones and remember to be thankful.  Oh and if you decide to go shopping for Black Friday be careful, there are some crazy fuckers out there. I will see you all next week.  So this is from us here at N-Yo-Face to all of you. And again THANK YOU!!!!!!!

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