Sunday, March 17, 2013

Jennifer Wants To Insures Her Tits

Get this folks, the lovely Jennifer wants to insure her 36c breasts, and no its not a joke. She loves her boobs and feels they are worth something. Trust me when I say this Jennifer, the rest of the world loves your breasts also. We just wish you would bare them more. Here is a quote she gave to Us Weekly
  "I need, like, an insurance invitation. If somebody was like, 'Hey, you know what? We would like to insure your boobs for $2.5 million dollars,' I'd be like, 'Do it. Love it! Why not?'"
 She is also looking to freeze her eggs which to me makes no sense. I mean sure she is 34 but damn girl get you a man. I have no idea why in the world you would have such a hard time finding a guy unless you are like stuck the fuck up or boring in bed. I wouldn't mind going on a date with you.

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