Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Why Oh Why

   Why is it that people feel the need to do stupid things. Look I am no hunter and on the other hand I am no vegetarian. I understand the way the world works. What I don't understand is why in the Fu*k do people feel the need to kill an animal just for its fur or tusks or tail? Why do people feel the need to poison animals, I mean does it make them feel better or something? Maybe its the risk involved, or the fact they are heartless from the beginning, oh wait I get it now, its all about the money right? That is complete bullshit!
   Just look at the above picture and imagine it is you standing over your parent, sibling, or family member trying to wake them up and they don't respond. Sure the Elephant can't speak but I am sure he/she understood when the rescuers said the mother wasn't waking up ever. Oh and it wasn't just one Elephant it was 10 of them and all from the same family.

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