Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Paris Paris Paris

 Paris when will you ever go away? You sure know how to make a nice outfit look ugly.  Just like Kim and Snooki your one major media whore. You constantly have to be in the limelight, yet you dont do anything.
 Your record bombed before it even came out, not sure who's was worse yours or Kim's. Your shows bomb, and you act like Chrissy from Three's Company. I'll give you one compliment, your commercial was pretty hot.
 You look fucking ridiculous in this outfit, but than again you look ugly in almost everything you wear. Go away already. It must suck and make you feel like shit that your sister is sexier than you are.

1 comment:

  1. I have often wondered when she'd go away as well, but she won't. Daddy has WAYYYYYYY too much money. And mommy pruned her to be the way she is. Her sister has more class in her little finger than Paris has in her entire body!
