Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Paris Hilton

   What a SKANK. I am sorry but I have NEVER liked this lady nor ever will. Here is posing topless for a magazine cover. Looks again like she is trying to either dress like something she is not or trying to hard to jump on the Lady Gaga bandwagon. Doesn't anyone have their own fashion ideas anymore?
   The look on her face is nasty, her hair looks extremely to fake, and she has no body. That outfit you have on is just plain trash. If trying to pose topless I ask this Paris, how can you pose topless when you have no tits? Kind of like the Eminem song, how are you going to breast feed me mom with no tits?
   Paris you need to do like Britney and just GO AWAY. The only talent you have is laying on your back in your homemade sex videos and you hardly did that right.

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