Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Britney Spears

Britney do us all a favor please and take your NASTY ass far away from Hollywood. Stick to what you do best, oh wait no one even knows yet exactly what you do best. You can't sign, we all know that already. Still do not understand why people pay upwards to $300 or more for a ticket to see you try and lip sync your ass off. Makes no sense to me. And since you have made your so called, "come back" you can't dance worth a damn. You stumble, you trip, you fall, your just a mess and all over the place. And please put the clothes back on. No one wants to see the cottage cheese thighs or that chunky, dimply belly of yours That ass of yours just might be your best asset and its still flat as hell. Than again your use to showing your underwear and or not even having any on.

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