Saturday, December 28, 2013

Kate Upton Is Single Again

Besides the fact that Kate Upton is one of the most beautiful ladies on the planet today and the fact that looking at these pictures gets me excited in certain areas there is actually news to say here. Some wonderful news this Christmas year for the men around the world, Kate Upton is officially single again, and I bet the cheers will be loud and last a long time. When you're with a lady that is as sexy, popular and in demand as Kate is you have to be able to deal with that and not act like a complete ass. Could be the fact that since Maksim (her man) is a dancer she used him to learn some rhythm and than dumped his ass.  They do mention it being a "scheduling" conflict... Well duh! ya fucking dummy, when you're with one of the hottest and most popular ladies on earth what the fuck did ya think was going to happen. Kate is in more demand than the shoes Michael Jordan releases every other week that people wait in line hours for and kill each other to get.

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