Thursday, May 10, 2012

Wow Halle looks pissed

 Damn Halle take a few deep breaths, come on I will help you. Breath in, breath out, breath in, breath out. Girl you look fucking mad, the divorce is getting to you that much huh? You went out to pick up your kid and forgot to actually get dressed. Aw fuck it I am Halle Berry I don't care if my tits are sagging and on display for the world to see. Apparently there were photographers at her daughters school snapping pictures. I have said it many times, these paparazzi will do ANYTHING to get a picture, and its fucking pathetic.
Calm down Halle just remember your still going through a divorce and you don't want to look like a lady on crack going mad on the world. Remember you have a daughter to think about here and loosing her would "break you". Who knows the real story here, maybe she is mad because one of the moms at the school told her she looks like a muppet. Well you know there are some people even in Hollywood that don't age all that well.

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