Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The Blond

 Girl you are looking very good these days, especially right now in that sexy dress. I have to ask you something. What in the FUCK are you doing with that "queer looking" Ryan Seacrest? Girl you can do so much better. Oh wait sorry I don't look like a girl or act queer or make all that money he does. Yeah stay with him, use him for his money, come here and night and sleep with me. Sure sounds good to me.
Very nice cleavage shot you have going on there Julianne, such a sexy lady you are. Saw you in concert a couple years ago and was pretty surprised. You put on a pretty decent show. Now come over here and give me a lap dance please.
 Shake that sexy ass while you walk girl. Let them locks fly in the air. Simply beautiful.

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