Sunday, September 11, 2011

This Country

 Look at the pictures, take a few minutes out of your day today and pray. 9 - 11 changed the U S forever and a lot of other countries as well. We constantly have to remember that the Terrorists are out there and will strike anywhere and at anytime.   God Bless This Country. My country, your country. we are all in this together.  Enjoy the rest of the pictures.
 Do you remember what you were doing at this time on this day 10 years ago? I remember a good friend woke me up, told me to turn on the T.V. and I just could NOT believe my eyes.These bastards not only killed OUR people they also caused us to change the way we approach things. The security issues that we go through at air ports, the war we have had to fight since than, and the many that have perished not only on that day but since than.


  1. I too remember... very well... I was woken up by a family member... tuned in just as the second plane hit the second tower... I was STUNNED... sat JAW DROPPED for what seemed like forever... when people say "the world stood still"... that's how I felt... I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

  2. I remember it like it was yesterday I was working on the bulletin board for the 2nd graders as I was working in elementary at that time. I was speechless all you could do was watch in amazement and cry
