Monday, September 26, 2011

Last Poll

So last week's poll was put up to get a better idea of what the readers are wanting to see for music here on the blog site.

The question:

What genre of music would you like to hear more of here?

The results were as follows:

Classical - 2
Pop - 4
Blues - 3
Country - 6
Hip Hop - 4
Jazz - 1
Reggae - 3
Rock - 8
Folk - 0
Rap - 1

Clearly rock won out, with country being a close second.
I see no one wants any Folk music, which suits me just fine.

A little later on I'll pose this question again, that way any new readers get a chance to vote as well. But for the time being the majority of the music that will be posted will be rock. Some country, and a little of everything else.

Except Folk LOL

Thank you for participating in this week's poll.

BTW if there's ever a song you'd like to request seeing in here just go to my FaceBook page and post your request on my wall.

Hope you like the new one.


  1. Lady A -- Friday night... Have you heard that one yet very good song but then coming from them it has to be a hit I just brought the new CD "Own The Night" all songs on there rock

  2. yeah that cd is awesome I have had it for a few months

  3. Never Figured you for a Lady A fan considering most of the music that you post on here Glad to know your a fan as well :)

  4. Been a fan have seem them in concert. My music that i post on here is for a reason. Has nothing to do with likes or dislikes
