Saturday, September 24, 2011

Boots Made For Walking

 Wow how impressive looking are you? An actress with the money you have and you have to dress this way? Shit I see better dressed people on a construction site. Them boots are hideous, no wonder why you have your head down while walking. You should at least put longer shorts on and cover those fat ass thighs of yours.
 Can them shorts be any further up that ass that you don't even have. You walking trying to act like your body is all that? Give me a fucking break. And to top it off someone put an actual bowl on your head and cut the shit. You are one nasty looking lady. Please pump that gas and move on ya Snooki look a like.

1 comment:

  1. She does have an ass not a booty ass but it is still there and ok I will give you the thigh ones just do not see rolls of fat on those thighs
