Thursday, June 23, 2011

Just a Suggestion Cameron

You might want to take the nuts OUT of your cheeks before trying to smile. Or was this a gathering with the Chipmunks?
Great legs but don't you almost need to have some kind of womanly figure to pull off a dress like that. I mean really.
Actually on taking another look you almost look stoned the fuck out. What are you on? Maybe you should reconsider your choice of men. Still cant believe that you gave up Justin to date A-ROID.

Actually you might want to consider a boob job while you're at it. And please stop the spray on tanning, it is doing nothing for you


  1. how interestng to sit in judgement of celebrities, wonder what ppl would find looking at u and in ur closet?

  2. oh they would find tons of stuff but that is not what this blog is about . Maybe you should go and cry to someone that actually cares. The Anonymous one that you are. I am sure you have tons of stuff in your closest also

  3. Anonymous not trying to be rude or insensitive but considering this is Tazman site ... Does it not give him the right to say anything he pleases and the right to express his opinion? Just saying if you disagree with his site than maybe you should start your own site.

  4. @Anonymous what exactly does one expect when one puts a blog out? Only people who agree with us to come on and applaud and follow like little puppies? As for having my own site maybe I already have 1 or 2.

  5. Are people starting to lose their minds or is there no such thing as humor anymore?
    One of the most popular magazine out there is a "trash" magazine. Sure there's no swearing. But this is an 18+ blog. There's WAY more bullshit being talked about in those mag's than ANYWHERE else. Lighten up and laugh a little. Can't imagine going through life all pent up like that and not being able to laugh. Comedian's make money saying some mean ass shit about people and people PAY to go listen to it. BECAUSE it's FUNNY!

  6. On a side note:
    It's not just women that are being posted and talked about in TazMan's blog.

  7. I appreciate what you said anonymous and I'm sorry that you take umbrage with my perspective, but believe it or not people are entitled to their own opinions. I actually have a very healthy sense of humor and comedians do make money from razzing people however I don't find this dude funny enough to compare him to those who make a living on the stage. That kind of argument is like comparing the average blogger to Hemingway or Shakespeare I mean seriously pick a better argument.

    If TazMan doesn't like what I have to say that is also his right and I'm pretty sure a guy who can dish the stuff out that he is on this blog can fight his own battles.

  8. Hey there everyone.

    Here is the deal to all of you. First off thank you for visiting and the comments. And your right Anonymous I can and will fight my own battles. I just dont feel these are worth fighting

    I do this for fun and that is that. I am not trying to be a stand up comic.

    All I can say is again than you for your comments but honestly if you dont think I am funny and you dont like the site than dont come. No one is forcing you to be here or ro post comments

  9. I am not annoyed with your perspective.. Opinions are like assholes everyone has one. I was irritated that you became offended by Tazman's opinion of his own site, hence the comment "it is their site and for you to make your own."
    Obviously I must of hit a nerve as you became defensive... You are correct on one statement ..Yes TazMan can defend himself. He needs nobody to fight any battles..... BTW I'm proud of the hard work TazMan has put into this site I especially love the video's of the day

  10. Well he's doing something right you keep coming back LOL

  11. Apparently so do you and of course I visit the site but than I am a friend of TazMan.... Can you say the same hater?

  12. LOL I think there is more than one person posting as Anonymous. Gets a little hard to figure out which one is talking to which one LOL
    For the record I was the one that posted:

    Anonymous said...
    Well he's doing something right you keep coming back LOL
    June 25, 2011 2:29 AM

    And yes, I can say I am a friend :-)
