Monday, December 23, 2013

Beyonce Shines At Her Record Release Party

Look at the way Beyonce showed up to her record release party the other night, remember for that album she secretly brought out without a mention. Wearing a dress that was not only see-thru but had she bent over a tad the world would of got a fantastic view of them sexy ass cheeks of hers. Now remember folks there were fans there and some of them won a meet and greet with the lovely and laid back Beyonce. Although you could clearly see her breasts through that dress she was looking pretty hot don't ya think? Its kind of ironic, I was in Tahoe a few months ago and could of swore I saw a hooker at the Bunny Ranch wearing this same outfit. Who would of ever thunk it! Not sure if anyone agrees with me but them boots she has on are awesome.

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