Tuesday, October 1, 2013

The New Paris Hilton Song

Look folks I know that everyone loves to make music and all but come the fuck on. Just because you are rich and or know people does NOT mean you should bring out an album. Here is a sample of the new Paris Hilton/ Lil Wayne song coming out next week. Listen for yourselves and trust me when I tell you this, its fucking HORRIBLE. Lil Wayne and his crew should of been shot point blank when they hired Paris to their label. Man, what in the FUCK were you thinking? Her last album sold for .50 cents, you think this one is actually going to do better just because your "PUNK" ass is on it? Give me a fucking break man.
I am going to be very honest here for a minute and just say this. Paris Hilton you can't even make a sex tape right., why in the fuck do you try and continue singing and or djing? All you are doing is giving the "Real" singers and dj's a bad name. You are worse live than Britney is when she lip syncs.

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