Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Courtney Surely Looks Different

I really thought I had seen it all from Courtney. that is until I found these pictures. Can this young lady get any worse, my answer is yes. First off her fake boobs are purple still and waaay to big for her body, them 7inch heels she continues to wear are getting old, and now she has a fucking "dog" collar around her neck. I suppose her grandpa chains her up at night and does naughty things to her. I am still trying to figure out just exactly how she was able to get into that latex dress she is wearing, you can clearly see it wasn't painted on. Ya know folks for being 19 years old she looks worse than Cher who is like ancient. The hair and make-up lady that did up Courtney should be fired on the spot I mean are you fucking kidding me? At the end of the day I suppose this is what we have to look forward to for awhile, her 6 minutes of fame don't seem to be ending anytime soon.

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