Saturday, May 18, 2013

Olivia Had A Secret Second Job

Back when I was in grade school, or any school for that matter we never had teachers that were anywhere near this damn HAWT. Yes its true people Olivia Sprauer was a high school English teacher up until a couple weeks ago. She was forced to resign when pictures of her posing in bikinis started surfacing. Not exactly sure what the reason was given, I mean posing in a bikini is clearly NOT agaisnt the law. I am sure the principal either tried to seduce her telling her it was the only way she could keep her job or told her something like, "I am sorry ma'am now that these bikini pictures are out and after seeing your beautiful body you are just to damn sexy to teach in my school". I mean come on people teachers barely make any money as it is, some people have to have a second job to get by in life. Whoever fired this young lady should have their fucking head examined.. I will say that after seeing these pictures I have wanted to go back to high school more than ever. I would sit in her class, in the front row, and well get straight A's.  Now that the scandal is out I sure damn hope we get to start seeing more of Olivia.

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