Saturday, August 13, 2011

Joke of the Day

Mr and Mrs Mouse lived deep in the jungle.
One day Mrs Mouse went off to visit her sister on the other side of the jungle, leaving Mr.Mouse all alone.
Mr. Mouse became more and more randy, and by half way through the second week he could stand it no longer and decided that he was going to go out into the jungle and shag the first thing he came across.
As he stepped outside his front door he came across an elephant. "Right, that's it!" He mumbled to himself and promptly climbed up its tail, undid his trousers, and began pounding away for all he was worth.
Two monkeys sat in a tree above noticed the mouse having sex with the elephant.
"Look at that dirty little bastard!" Said the first monkey.
"Sick little rodent." Replied the second, reaching up to pull down a coconut. "I'll get 'im!" And with that he threw the coconut at the mouse.
Unfortunately, the coconut missed the mouse and hit the elephant on the head. "OW!" Screamed the elephant.
The mouse looked up from his labours and shouted: "Yeah, fuckin' take it baby!!

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