Monday, July 18, 2011

The Three Stooges

   Look at the 3 fuck nuts, I mean stooges. Fuck it call em what ya want, for now I'll call them losers.
Hey Chris congrats on your wedding but your still a loser. And just look at who you invited, the rest of the cry baby losers.
    Now that you are married, happily I hope maybe you can focus your sorry ass on some basketball and actually do good this next season, well if there is even a season to be played. More than sucking all you fuck heads are greedy and don't deserve to even play. Take you and the other losers and go to some other country and play, there will be no difference you'll still loose.
   You care about your fans really? So after your sorry asses end the lockout it will be "us" fans that pay the price right?


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