Monday, July 18, 2011

Katie Upton

This outfit is not the hottest I have ever seen but Katie sure looks good in it. Than again there are not many outfits that Katie doesn't look good in.
   I had to post these pictures for the simple fact that not only is Katie fucking hot but she is all over everything lately. (Licks lips), just look at that cleavage and that FINE body. Just the right size not to thin and not to big. 

    Her back side sure looks good to me also, just look at that sexy ass and those legs. Id sure love to be panties right now all stuck in her ass like that.  Hey Katie you can "sway" on here anytime you like


1 comment:

  1. I normally don't dig blondes, but she has a real pretty face and a hell of a body! Great Post!
