Thursday, June 30, 2011

Out of Jail


Hey Lindsay ya bleached blond ya finally got off home arrest huh? what a fucking joke the judicial system is when it comes to stars. How can one get sentenced to 4 months on home arrest yet get released in 35 days? With all the trouble you have been in and the shit you have stirred your ass should still be behind bars. Any normal human being would be.

Although this wont be your last brush with the law I do hope you learned something. Most likely you just learned to party more, oh wait I forgot the judge said you were not allowed to do that anymore.

What a way to present yourself with your tit hanging out huh? Your just another fucking Hollywood looser, that lost everything. Your dumb ass can't even stay out of trouble long enough to keep a movie roll. Worse than Britney that is for sure.

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