Tuesday, August 25, 2015

When A White Girl Tries To Be Black

Yeah, I am late on this also but folks it finally happened, the last of the Jenner's is officially of legal age now (for most things that is). Anyways, her birthday lasted about a week and with a ton of friends and different bikinis. Now that Kylie is 18 its pretty much "ON" for her and her career. You aleady know her and the family are going to be around for a very long time so might as well get use to it. I find it very interesting that Kylie was offered a $10 million dollar porn deal the minute she turned of age, (personally I still think she can do better than Tyga). Girl your body is pretty hot but you really need to loose them nasty ass corn-rolls ya got going on. Is it just me or did she spend a ton of money (and continuing to do so) To look more like sister Kim?

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