Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Kim And Kanye At Met Gala 2013

Truth be told, I would of put more pictures of these two up but figured I would save you all the eye sore. I realize that Kim is pregnant, almost due, and is really fat but damn why does she always seem to wear people's table clothes. That dress of hers is fucking hideous and that is being nice. I find it funny that she tries to do the "Angelina Jolie" thing by showing her leg. Kim, trust me the world does NOT miss your leg. You could feed a small country off that leg.  Kanye sure doesn't look at that happy having to be with her for the evening. Kanye man you knocked her up and call her your "baddest" bitch so deal with the fact that 9 times out of 10 she looks fucking nasty.  And yes Kanye we know you are pissed because she had the dress altered. Hey man she can't help it that her arms have ballooned. While she was at the altering stage, they should of used yet another table cloth to cover them whale like legs of hers.

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