Sunday, December 30, 2012

The Braves New Practice Hat

Here is the old practice hat (on the left) and the new one (on the right), looks pretty cool to me. Sure its a man's face on there but so what.  Here is what one person wrote about this cap and logo:
     It's a wonder that anyone ever thought the image was OK. The logo strips Native Americans of any humanity and turns them into a one-dimensional character devoid of any sympathy or tribute. It honestly might be the only defense that the few defenders of Cleveland's Chief Wahoo have left. ("Well, it's not as bad as what Atlanta used to have.")
 Look I get the fact that people feel this is a put down to the Native Americans but I highly doubt the Braves meant it as that. The Atlanta Braves are one of the classiest teams in all of Baseball, always have been and always will be. It pisses me off that every single time a team or person of significance does something the "race" card comes out. What in the fuck is with all the racial stuff still going on? We are all human beings and we are living in the "today" not 40 or 50 years ago. If people would look at things and life with more of an open mind rather than always screaming , "its racist, that's racist" this world we live in just might be a better place. 

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