Monday, August 27, 2012

L A cops love to beat people

 In a really sad story this man Brian Mulligan was severely roughed up and beaten by 2 L A police officers. And get this, when it was all said and done they tried to cover it up by writing a false police report. Go figure that one right? Look I know officers don't have the easiest job in the world and the majority of them are crooked, but damn if you can't handle your job or stress go find something different. No matter what this man did he did NOT deserve to be beaten like this. Talk about flash backs of what happened to Rodney King.  Its no wonder that people in this country have lost respect for police officers and the law. These beatings go on every day and yet officers wonder why people try and kill them or harm them. Get a fucking clue men in blue.

1 comment:

  1. Did not hear about this one but I agree they do not have a easy job however it is a career they have chosen. In my state our governor signed an amendment allowing citizens to shoot at officers once you have warn them to leave or you will shoot. I do agree regardless of what he did nobody deserves to be beaten like that
