Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Can it get any worse?

 So Madonna attended a party the other night looking and feeling like a total tramp. For Christ sakes woman you are 50 something not 21 anymore. There is a huge difference between reinventing yourself and just being a straight "skankasaurus". And to think I use to be a HUGE Madonna fan, yeah I'll admit it. Back in the day there was no one better or sexier or so I thought.  For the record you do realize that you looked like you were going to an S&M party right?

1 comment:

  1. Aug 28th, 2012
    I agree,...however,...I'm being kind here "I'm so sick
    of all those BLONDES,... and the Mirror Images of the pop stars. Be who u are,...not someone else. No wonder
    America has lost it's grip with the 21st C.
