Wednesday, March 7, 2012

A Hogan Sex Tape

Say it isn't so brotha! It seems a sex tape has emerged with Hogan and another lady in it. Now Hulk claims this tape was recorded without his knowledge and the person shopping it around should stop. Hulk bro stop already. First off no one wants to see your old ass flimsy arms and chest, (among other things) in a sex tape. On the other hand you just might need something like this to get your dead career going again for like the 10th time. Remember you still owe your ex like zillions of dollars. 
Fuck I just figured this one out and why you are so mad about this tape. You don't want the world and your millions of Hulkamaniacs to see your shriveled up steroid ed out COCK. Or wait maybe its the fact that the girl in the video was actually not a girl at all and was your other BITCH   Eric Bischoff.

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