Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Kelly In Calendar

 OMG honestly I think I just climaxed in my pants. Fuck me, am I allowed to say that here? Oh fuck it I already did. Wow don't blog for a few days and than find pictures like this. I must find and purchase this calendar, come on Santa I have been a good boy.  Fuck me just look at you on my birthday month. Hey my future wife could I get that pictured autographed please? Just let me know what I have to do to obtain this please. Ok time to get going for me I don't want to mess my key board up anymore, plus it is hard to type with just one hand.


  1. LOL @ can I say that.... and if the female is this hot for March can't wait to see what the male for March is

  2. who gives a fuck about a male I just want her

  3. Well since I am a girl that would be "ME"
