Saturday, October 29, 2011

Britney Hanging Out

 So here ya have it Britney performed in concert last night and just look at her. Its beyond me that anyone would still pay to see this non talented piece of slop. Hey Brit I think you forgot the rest of your outfit. You have tits hanging out everywhere and from all sides. Is this really a way to be a so called roll model for your teenage fans? You having twins now? Just look at that flab of a stomach and here all this time I thought my stomach was bad. Fuck girl your FAT. Get a real job, exercise or do something. Go buy another KFC and eat the whole place.
 Once upon a time ago, a LONG time ago you looked so good. And to think you are barely even 30 years old. Damn and you hid bright lights shined on you while wearing this? I am sure many people fainted and it wasn't because you sang good. Your thighs could feed a large starving city for about a week. Ever hear of Slim fast? Well you need that shit NOW.

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