Tuesday, September 6, 2011


 Haven't heard much of this lady until now. All I know is she is like 26 and dating an 18 year old. Can you believe that shit? Lucky bastard, And of course a Jonas Brother. Not exactly sure how that happened. Maybe she feels since he is wearing his, "i'm a virgin tell married" ring that she is safe. Or maybe she is dating him so she can boost her career some. In any case he is one lucky fucker that is for sure. Doubt after their Mexican Vacation that he is still a virgin. I know if I was in his shoes I sure wouldn't be. I would surely be pulling that long sexy hair of hers and making the fucking bed shake, or the beach or wherever. How could ya turn this sexy vixen down?

1 comment:

  1. She looks sick in that first pic... I mean SICK... as in "dieing"... fucking GROSS!
    The second pic is hot though... weird to look THAT different.
